- Why Secrets Belong in Git
Lightning talk at Booster 2025, English
- Secure Computing and Hands-on Privacy By Design
Talk at NDC Oslo 2024 and Hello Stavanger 2024, English
- Death to Test Environments
Lightning talk at NDC Oslo 2022, Booster Bergen 2023 and Hello Stavanger 2024, English.
- How privacy demands in software development has changed since the introduction of GDPR
Booster 2022, English
- Personvern i 2021 - Hva må du vite som utvikler?
Javazone 2021, Norwegian
- Death to Test Environments
Ignite talk at Devopsdays Oslo 2021, English.
- Immutable application deployments with F# Make
NDC Oslo 2018, English
- Interview on Channel 9
NDC Oslo 2017, English
- Using F# on Azure Functions in Production
NDC Oslo 2017, English
- Using F# on Azure Functions in Production
BuildStuff 2017, English
- Changelog-as-a-service - F# på Azure Functions
Bekk Fagdag 2017, Norwegian
- Lord of Chaos - Becoming a Chaos Engineer
Javazone 2017, English
- Introducing DevOps mentality at a government agency
Booster Conference 2016, English
- The Docker Toolbox
NNUG Meetup 2015, English
- Prøveadministrasjonssystemet PAS: A DevOps story
Bekk Fagdag 2015, Norwegian