This is a simple F# Make (FAKE) target for ensuring that NuGet packages are the same version across projects in a solution. Wrote this for a .NET Framework project and thought I’d share it:
type PackageReferenceFile = NuGet.PackageReferenceFile
Target "NuGetPackagesConsolidated" <| fun _ ->
!! (sprintf "./src/%s*/packages.config" appName)
-- "**/obj/**/packages.config"
|> PackageReferenceFile
|> Seq.collect (fun prf -> prf.GetPackageReferences())
|> Seq.groupBy (fun pr -> pr.Id)
|> Seq.filter (fun p -> (snd p |> Seq.distinct |> Seq.length) > 1 )
|> (fun p -> fst p , snd p |> Seq.distinct)
|> function
| packages when packages |> Seq.isEmpty -> ()
| packages ->
seq {
yield "The following packages are not consolidated:"
for (k,v) in packages do
yield (sprintf " Package: %s Versions: %A" k v)
yield "You need to consolidate packages across the solution:"
yield " * Right click on the solution inside VS"
yield " * Choose Manage NuGet Packages for Solution"
yield " * Choose the Consolidate tab"
yield " * Make sure you sync the package versions" }
|> Seq.iter (printfn "%s")
failwith "Packages not consolidated"